The sequel to the smash hit pocket bunny’s adventure has arrived! Embark on a new journey out from the Japanese forests and countryside vistas of Mushroom Village and into the unknown! In this new episode of the beloved rabbit’s tale, follow Tsuki along the winding path as he explores the enchanting groves of the kawaii world. Immerse yourself in the charming aesthetic of a kinder world, where furry friends, thrilling mysteries, and fulfilling choices await.
Uncover the Secrets of the World
- Journey through lush groves and discover the hidden wonders that await.
- This new episode brings new discoveries and exciting adventures.
- Let Tsuki's story unfold in unexpected ways as you travel to different countries!
Build and Upgrade Your Cozy Home
- Create your own cozy home with adorable furniture and decorations.
- Upgrade your establishment and unlock new areas.
Experience the Joy of Animal Friendship
- Tons of furry friends to meet, from playful pets to wise elders
- Explore heartwa...
Tsuki Adventure 2