Choose your favorite candidate from either Democratic standouts such as Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and Elizabeth Warren, or Republican favorites including Donald Trump, George W. Bush, and Mike Pence. Don’t like any of the current candidates? No problem, just create your own and adopt some truly wild ideologies (ban all video games - they’ll rot your brain)!
The Political Machine 2020 features unique ideology trees for candidates, allowing for unique experiences each and every playthrough! Earn ideology points from Town Halls and use them to own certain issues. Play as Bernie Sanders and take ownership of the ‘Medicare for All’ issue, or play as Donald Trump to own ‘Build the Wall’. It’s important to win 270 votes in the electoral college, so you’ll need to pay attention to what issues voters care about in the swing states. What plays well in Texas or California might hurt you in Ohio or Florida!
Do you think you have what it takes? Take to the campaign trail and show the nation why ...
The Political Machine 2020