"Magical Color Mix" - Embark on a dreamy journey of magical colors!
In this enchanting game world full of magic, you will become a color magician, and the paintbrush in your hand seems to be endowed with miraculous power. Each level is like a mysterious painting waiting to be awakened, and what you need to do is to carefully fill in those empty colors in the specified order.
What seems like a simple task actually hides secrets. As the levels progress, the combinations of colors become more and more complex, and the patterns become more delicate. You need to be fully concentrated, relying on your sharp observation and unique perception of colors to get closer to the perfect effect picture step by step.
Each precise coloring is like casting a spell, instantly making the picture glow with brilliant and dazzling colors, as if there is magical power flowing through your fingertips. And when you finally complete a masterpiece that is exactly the same as the effect picture, the sense of ac...
Magical Color Mix