Intro breve
AsiaBC just launched is new bep-20 token to sets up and registers your brand-new Singapore Private Limited Company remotely with Singaporean nominee director service and local address for registration so you do not need to have any presence in Singapore. Service package fee will be paid with ABC token with all SG Government fee and 1-year agency services inclusive.
* Buying costs no fees so 1% slippage
* Sell within 24 hours : 32% burn (24% Back to the Liquidity Pool, 8% Redistributed to Holders)
* Sell within 72 hours : 28% burn (21% Back to the Liquidity Pool, 7% Redistributed to Holders)
* Sell within 120 hours : 24% burn (18% Back to the Liquidity Pool, 6% Redistributed to Holders)
* Sell within 168 hours : 20% burn (15% Back to the Liquidity Pool, 5% Redistributed to Holders)
* Standard burn : 16% burn (12% Back to the Liquidity Pool, 4% Redistributed to Holders)
* Max amount per wallet : 3,000,000,000
* Max transaction : 1,000,000,000