Intro breve
There is only one true currency between human beings. Love. forgivenet™ is the start of something new. The first whispers of a global currency of love based on forgiveness. Request forgiveness from those you've wronged and receive an FRGVN token in return. Later, with the blockchain full of forgiveness requests, forgivenet™ will release its AI application that matches forgiveness requests to those wronged. Whenever forgiveness is accepted, requester and accepter receive more hefty FRGVN token rewards. We believe that crypto-currency is the future and cannot be left in the hands of irresponsible greed. forgivenet™ will support research and development into sustainable and fully inclusive crypto economies built on forgiveness. The FRGVN token is the only currency of true human value. We also intend to invest in research and development into fairness algorithms that turn upside down the notions of personal gain at everyone else's expense. Use forgivenet™ today. Alleviate some burden. Discover the wonders of humility.
