Exodus is a monumental event in RTFKT’s lore in which all 19,772 Clones are embarking on an Exodus mission together to escape the annihilation of their planet and traverse open space to find a new home. In order to make the trek, RTFKT is providing Space Pod & Loot Pod holders with an opportunity to burn their current digital homes to upgrade to new Exo Pods & Lux Pods homes. All 4 Pod home types (Space, Loot, Exo, and Lux) will be transported on specially designed Pod-specific Clone fleet ships. Space Pod NFT & Loot Pod NFT holders can choose not to participate if they don’t want to; the Space Pods and Loot Pods will be transported for the Exodus within unique Space Pod ships and Loot Pod ships. To upgrade to an Exo Pod, you need to burn at least two (2) Space Pod NFTs and two (2) Loot Pod NFTs. To upgrade to a Lux Pod NFT, you need to burn twenty (20) Space Pod NFTs and twenty (20) Loot Pod NFTs.