Unleash your full Brain Potential!
Evaluate your IQ and access 1000+ personalized training exercises to improve your IQ score.
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An intelligence quotient (IQ) is a total score derived from a set of standardized tests or subtests designed to assess human intelligence.
People with much higher than average IQ or intellectual quotients (>130), also called gifted, tend to be more at ease than others during intellectual activities. The most well-known characteristics of the gifted are:
- Curiosity and a thirst for learning: they ask themselves a lot of questions and are able to acquire knowledge on their own.
- Perfectionism, the need to do things accurately and excellently.
- The fear of oneself, of who one is, of the consequences of their overflowing thoughts and emotions.
- Interest that sometimes reaches an obsessive level in certain themes.
- Hypersensitivity that is often invisible...
!Q・Brain Training & IQ Tests