123swap platform is a decentralised finance ecosystem that facilitates seamless peer-to-peer swapping of crypto-assets. It provides easy to access, transparent and convenient exchanges, earning and investment management solutions, all without the need of any intermediatory. The platform intends to simplify the cryptocurrency exchange system while generating the lowest possible slippage. The 123swap platform offers a range of DeFi solutions across multiple chains in blockchain assets: Swaping Staking Yield Farming NFT Minting The mechanism of cross-chain value exchange allows the platform users to directly trade with each other across any chain on a peer-to-peer basis. Vision Statement: To simplify the management of crypto-assets. Mission Statement: To become the leading decentralised finance protocol by providing better prices, faster response times, simpler procedures and low slippage rates than any other aggregator or swap on the market. We aim: To build the next-gen financial ecosystem, leveraging blockchain technology. To expand the use of cryptocurrencies for purchase and payments across the business world. To eliminate financial barriers, evolve the global economy and change the world for the better. To create a seamless user experience by providing access to the entire crypto market in one place, without ever compromising on the private keys. Control 123swap platform by voting in 123gov.