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MintDAO | Games | XWorld
MintDAO | Games | XWorld
MintDAO | Games | XWorld

Tom lược

The primary responsibilities of the Mint are: • Minting NFT (coins) collections, • Minting MintTokens, • Distribute MintTokens to the NFT (coins) token holders, • Providing a marketplace for trading NFTs (coins). MintTokens will be used to vote on proposals on how to use tokens and proposals of new coins collections for the Mint. There will be at least two types of coins minted by the Mint: • Commemorative coins - minted for special events such as Bitcoin Halving, • Collaboration coins - minted in partnership with other protocols to promote both the Mint and third party protocol. As reward strategy can be very diverse in our protocol, imagination is the only limit on this type of coins.


XWorld | MintDAO
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